Team Leaders

Alexandre Santos de Aragão

ALEXANDRE SANTOS DE ARAGÃO is a Full Professor of Administrative Law at the Rio de Janeiro State University- UERJ and he also teaches Regulation, Infrastructure Law, Oil Law, and General Theory of the State for master’s degree and PhD courses. Lawyer and State Attorney of Rio de Janeiro.

In his teaching career, he has also been a visiting professor for Regulation at the University of San Francisco School of Law- USFSL. Member of the Study Centre for Administrative, Environmental and Urban Law (CEDAU) at the University of São Paulo – USP. Coordinator of the Research Group for Oil Law and other Energy Sources and a Professor of Regulation of Public Services in the Master’s Degree Course at the Candido Mendes University. Professor in several lato senu post-graduation courses, including at Getulio Vargas Foundation Rio de Janeiro – FGV/RJ and GVLaw/SP.

He has a PhD in State Law from the University of São Paulo- USP. He has a Master’s Degree in Public Law and a Bachelor’s Degree from the Rio de Janeiro State University- UERJ.

Alexandre has written books such as “State-Owned Enterprises – The Legal Regime of Public Enterprises and Mixed Economy Companies” (Empresas Estatais -O Regime Juridico das Empresas Públicas e Sociedades de Economia Mista)”; “Public Utilities Law” (Direito dos Serviços Públicos), 4th edition; “Regulatory Agencies and the Evolution of Economic Administrative Law” (Agências Reguladoras e a Evolução do Direito Administrativo Econômico), 3rd edition; “Course of Administrative Law” (Curso de Direito Administrativo), 2nd edition; and “The university autonomy in the contemporary State and the Brazilian Law” (A autonomia universitária no Estado contemporâneo e no Direito Positivo brasileiro).

Founding member of the Brazilian Institute of Energy Law Studies (IBDE) and member of the Editorial Council of the Journal for the General Council for the Federal Government (AGU), of the Journal of the General Counsel for the State of Rio de Janeiro, of the Brazilian Public Law Journal (RBDP), of the Journal of Public Law in Economics (RDPE), of the Journal of Information Technology and Telecommunication Law (RDIT), of the Brazilian Journal of Energy, of the Journal of Energy Law and of the Journal of the Accounting Court of the State of Minas Gerais (TCE/MG). Adviser for the Brazilian Association of Regulatory Agencies (ABAR). Member of the examining board for several public tenders.

He was a partner at Rennó, Aragão e Lopes da Costa -Advogados and Chediak, Lopes da Costa, Cristófaro, Menezes Cortes, Rennó e Aragão -Advogados

Daniel Bento Duarte

In the firm since its foundation, the partner DANIEL BENTO DUARTE has more than a decade of experience as a litigation and advisory lawyer in Administrative, Constitutional, Regulatory and Infrastructure Law, acting in both administrative and judicial proceedings as well as in national and international arbitrations. He has vast experience in infrastructure sectors such as Oil & Gas, Ports, Railways, Highways, Airports, Telecommunications, Electricity and Basic Sanitation.

He has a Master’s Degree in Public Law from the Rio de Janeiro State University – UERJ and is a professor on Port Regulation, Railroad Regulation and the Legal Regime of Public Monopolies at CEPED-UERJ’s lato sensu postgraduate course in Regulatory Law. He is also a professor at the “Escola Superior de Advocacia Pública – ESAP” of the “Procuradoria Geral do Estado do Rio de Janeiro – PGE-RJ”, as well as a researcher for the Infrastructure Administrative Law Project at the University of São Paulo Law School – USP (2023).

He has also had the opportunity to structure and teach an elective at UERJ’s graduation program called Infrastructure Regulation, in which he was able to teach classes on various regulated sectors, such as ports, railroads, highways, airports, telecommunications, electricity, basic sanitation, oil and natural gas.

He has a Bachelor’s Degree from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro – PUC-Rio, with exchange studies at the University of Coimbra, Portugal.